Notice - Drilling of Well KA60

Notice - Drilling of Well KA60

24 September 2020









Ngati Tuwharetoa Geothermal Assets Limited (NTGAL) are undertaking the drilling of a Geothermal Production Well KA60 on our site located at 15 Manukorihi Drive. This is scheduled to begin on Monday 28th September. The drilling project is scheduled for a period of 2 1/2 months which includes mobilisation of plant and equipment to and from the site. Once drilling commences, operations will continue 24 hours a day until the project is completed. Whilst we do not anticipate any disruption to surrounding business activities, we have prepared the following to table with an approximate schedule of the project works and the potential impact those works may have on neighbouring businesses.



24 September - 3 October

Rig Move - Mobilisation of Equipment to site Increased traffic movements along Manukorihi Dr - Up to 20 loads delivered to site daily

* Traffic Management plan will be in place

* Rig move to be undertaken during hours of daylight only

10 October - 22 November Drilling Operations Increased traffic movements along Manukorihi Drive - delivery vehicles and workers to and from site

* Site traffic management plan in place for deliveries

* Dedicated parking areas to prevent traffic parking along public road

10 October - 22 November Cementing Operations

Increased noise levels during cementing operations

* Sound walls erected around cementing unit (lowering noise levels from 126dba to 66dba Leq at 350m)
22 November - 2 December Rig Move - demobilisation of equipment from site

Increased traffic movements along Manukorihi Drive - Up to 20 loads delivered to site daily

* Traffic Management plan will be in place

* Rig move to be undertaken during hours of daylight only

24 Sepember - 2 December All drilling activities

Public interest in project works - unauthorised site access

* Security in place 24/7 during rig move and drilling operations


A comprehensive emergency response plan has been developed which documents procedures for all forseeable emergencies associated with the drilling works. The procedures are known to all workers and are regularly trialled to ensure they remain effective. In the highly unlikely event of any operational emergency, NTGA will ensure sufficient communication with all neighbouring businesses.


Should be experience any business disruption, or have any queries please contact Will Clements - NTGAL Drilling Project Manager .